
Hi, I just want to tell you... how inspirational your works is! Simply Wonderful! Cheers! Ron

Kazuhiko Ichikawa

Thank you very much !!

Hi , I love your work and videos .
I was wondering if you can tell me where to purchase the garnet sand .
I think you said it is 1mm which is 16/18 mesh .
I could nit find this .
Is there an alternative I can use and buy in the us?
Any information would help.
Also what thickness do you use for your gold keumboo?

Thank you

Kazuhiko Ichikawa

Thank you for your comment.
I live in Japan and I only know the shop in Japan.
Please ask this shop.
There is only one mesh of the sand in this shop and it's what I'm using.
I think they ship to US.
But because of the pandemic, postal package shipping to US is not available.
You need to wait until everything will be restored.

Another option is ruby sand.
You can order it from this shop.


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