Here I show you how to make relief patterns by Keum Boo.

First of all, you need to parepare these things.

1. 0.3mm-0.5mm thick fine silver foil.

2. 0.02-0.05mm thick fine gold foil.

3. #14 Feather blade and its holder. Or any othe rblade that has a curve blade.

4. a burnisher.


The process is as below.

1.Cut the fine silver foil

The silver foil is too thin to saw and too thick to cut with a knife. I usually use #14 feather blade. Because of its cueve, you can cut the foil by pushing and rolling. And you should take care of the frindge after you cut it.


2.Keum Boo of fine silver foil on sterling

The fine silver foil is actually very thick for Keum Boo. But it's possible if you give it a enough push and time. By the way I use a copper plate and a kitchen stove to heat them. The sterling silver must be applied Deletion gilding.


3.Keum Boo of fine gold foil on fine silver

The finally you apply the fine gold foi on the fine silver foil. The gold foil should be cut a bit larger than the silver foil to cover it all. This process is just a ordinary Keum Boo that you already know how-to.


4.Trim the edge

Then you cut the extra gold foil at the edges. To protect the gold edge from rip-off stress, I suggest you should polish the edges and make them round.

These are the examples in my shop.



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